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February 2024 GO! Newsletter

Updated: Jul 9, 2024

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, we're excited to share the love of Gallopade's enchanting new features. Whether you're a devoted user or a new admirer, join us in celebrating this season of hearts by falling head over heels for Gallopade's commitment to enhancing your journey with joy, collaboration, and a touch of magic.

Message from the Gallopade President

I hope your 2024 is off to an amazing start! I wanted to take a moment and thank you for allowing us to be one of your education partners. Here at Gallopade, we pride ourselves on providing high quality curriculum. Those expectations extend to every aspect of what we do from the initial onboarding, rostering, training, quality of materials, online platform, and annual improvements.

We launched the newest version of our online learning platform (GO!) back in July. Work began almost two years prior to our planned “go live” in July. Unfortunately, we did not meet my expectations or the Gallopade standard as we launched for the new school year. Some features were incomplete and/or delayed and we suffered from unexpected bugs that made things harder for you and your students.

The primary reason for our transition to the GO! platform is for the ongoing ability to provide new customer requested features, reports, interactivity, gamification and more! We stumbled a bit as the school year started. You count on us, and I apologize we didn’t deliver the smooth transition we envisioned for you. Our team has worked tirelessly to develop and improve the GO! platform and I hope you are liking the results of those efforts and if you haven’t been online in a while, please give it another GO!

Thank you for your ongoing feedback and patience as we continue to improve the GO! platform. As part of a future newsletter, we will be sharing information on many new features and tools we are putting in for next school year! Best wishes for the remainder of this school year and please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for any questions and support needs that you have!

With regards,

Michael Longmeyer

Gallopade President

Did You Know?

Teachers have the ability to change the review type for an assignment even after it has been submitted by students. For example: the teacher does not want students to be able to see correct answers until everyone has finished the assignment. The teacher would create the assignment and choose 1 of the first 3 review options. After all students have completed the assignment, the teacher can edit the assignment by selecting the pencil icon next to the Assignment or by going to the Gradebook, clicking on the assignment title, and choosing “Edit.” The teacher can then set the review option to “Review Graded Submission with Correct Answers.” Make sure to scroll to the bottom and click “Save” to implement the change.

New Feature Highlight

Announcements: The Gallopade Online Platform now has an Announcements feature. This feature can be used to alert Gallopade users of new features created by the Gallopade Team or be utilized by Administrators and Teachers to alert users of important information such as assessment due dates.

New Announcements that are chosen to auto-display will automatically pop up when a user signs in to Gallopade Online.

Announcements can also be viewed and created by clicking on this symbol on the Dashboard.

Teacher/Admin View

Student View

Click the + sign to create and send an announcement.

Trainer Tip!

Standards Mastery Overview Report: The Standards Mastery Overview Report displays students' mastery of assigned standards. This class report can be filtered by date range, assignment type, assignment category, standard, and by student.

This report can be accessed by clicking on the Reports Module of the left hand navigation bar.

Here you can see an Overview and filter by Standard or Student


Click “View All” at the bottom of the Overview to see all students and standards together.

Teacher of the Month

Gallopade's Teacher of the Month celebrates the educators who make an incredible difference in the lives of their students. Do you know a teacher who goes above and beyond the call of duty to inspire their students? Nominate them today!

Contact Us

As the school year progresses, please remember that training and support are included with Gallopade. Please contact us any time.


Gabe Jarboe

800-536-2438 x179

470-288-6179 (direct)


Pam Price-Williams

800-536-2438 x129

470-548-6898 (direct)


Megan Bailey

800-536-2438 x177

470-645-2858 (direct)

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