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Q2 2022 Curriculum Newsletter

End of the Year Data and Reports

Teacher-level access to data and reports for the 2021-22 school year, including classes, assignments, and student reports, will be archived in the middle of June in preparation for the 2022-23 school year. Teachers may wish to grade any work listed as Ready to Grade and release any available data to reports, or export assignment scores to .CSV files. For more help on how to export scores and how to release data to reports, see the step-by-step instructions by clicking on one of the links below.

How to Release Data to Reports

How to Export Assignment Grades

Finishing the Year Strong with Gallopade

The end of the year is a great time for teachers to use Teaching Tools to reinforce and enrich students’ understanding of social studies concepts before summer starts. Because the tools are printable, they may be incorporated into choice boards to allow students to select the activities that best fit their interests. Many, such as Projects, are designed as small group activities. Others, including Writing Prompts and Primary Source Analysis, are tailored towards individual completion. Because the activities are standards-based, they may also provide students with an additional way to demonstrate the knowledge they have accumulated over the school year or help them prepare for cumulative assessments.

Training for the 2022-23 Shool Year

Training for new and returning teachers is free to Gallopade customers. There were a number of changes to the Gallopade platform functionality in 2021-22 and we anticipate several more for 2022-23. Districts and schools wishing to schedule a training should contact their Gallopade support person as soon as dates and times are known to discuss available options. Training requests are open for July 2022.

Pam Price-Williams

Customer Success Specialist Middle and West Tennessee

& Eastern Ohio

800-536-2438 Ext. 29

Courtney Starling Stewart

Customer Success Specialist East Tennessee & Western Ohio

800-536-2438 Ext. 46

Nancy Wall

Customer Success Specialist Georgia, Louisiana & Virginia

800-536-2438 Ext.15

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